Tuesday, April 16, 2013

An Awkward Encounter

She sat between her two friends. The three of them were fixated on continuing their crunches, and were completely unaware of me. Positioned beside them, I couldn’t help but glance over. The girl in the middle was gorgeous. I thought of how to approach her, but I was out of my element. I had never approached a girl in a gym before, much less in front of her friends. I was terrified. Just the thought of talking to her made my heart race, my throat close up, and my forehead sweat. I became too nervous and walked away.
I was filled with frustration towards myself. I was chickening out of a potential opportunity to make something happen between me and a beautiful girl.
“No, not this time,” I thought.
No more than fifty feet away from the group of girls, I turned around. I was determined to get this girl’s number. Once I was near them, I bent down and touched the girl I was after lightly on the shoulder to grab her attention.

“Hey, I’m Brian. What’s your name?”
She responded with her name.
“Well, I don’t know how to do this because it’s so out of my character, but I couldn’t help but notice you. I don’t know if you have a boyfriend, but…”
“No, I don’t,” she interrupted.
“Okay, well I was wondering if I could get your number and call you sometime?”
“Yeah, that’s fine,” she replied.

“Yes!” I thought. I couldn’t believe it worked. I had never been so forward in my life. As smooth as the conversation might have sounded from my previous description, however, she and her friends could tell I was nervous. I was slightly shaking, and my voice happened to be trembling somewhat. Despite these nerves, I walked away feeling like a whole new man. I had summoned the courage to approach a girl and boldly ask for her number. I was proud.

Honestly, the number never led to anything. We met for coffee a week later at a local coffee shop on campus, but the connection just wasn’t there. Regardless, I still remained proud for putting myself out there. For that reason, I consider the experience a success.

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